Thursday, October 6, 2011
A new additon to the family!!!!!
Well Monday early morning I got a new neice what a great new addition to the family ! It amazes me how a little baby can bring you so much happiness and change your life! I am so looking forward to spoiling that new little neice of mine Ava Grace! But I will always love my little nephews and my other neices they are getting so big and growing up so fast. Time really does fly by! every one of those neices and nephews hold a special place in my heart they are all so different and thats what makes each of them so special.. children are truly a gift from God!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
School is off to a great start
Well the first two days of the new school year has went great. The boys both love their new teachers and I am so happy it makes it so much easier to send them when you know they love it! It's hard to believe that Kristofer is in the 5th grade last year in elementary school where did the time go i have no clue ! Kolton is in 2nd grade now growing up way too fast. But each new season of their lifes is an exciting time. God is going to use them both in a great way this school year and I have to trust Him to complete the great work that He has started in their lifes!
Along with their new school year I have a new school year as well lookig forward to teaching the Creatiing Postive Relationships program to all the vigo, clay, vermillion, parke , sullivan county schools this year. We have expanded and with that comes alot more teaching and alot more time into this program. But I know its going to be worth it . We have made new changes to the curriculm this year and I'm really excited about that , with that I have been spending the past two afternoons makiing new stuff to go along with the curriculm trying to save the center some money adn doing some crafty things myself !
I'm asking God thsi year for a fresh annointing when I go into the classrooms its alot of spirtual battles that I endure while doing this program but i know that is' all worth it in the end! God is going to change the lifes of these teenagers in this city and the surrounding cities as well I can't wait to see what happens this school year! keep us in prayer for the upcoming year !
Along with their new school year I have a new school year as well lookig forward to teaching the Creatiing Postive Relationships program to all the vigo, clay, vermillion, parke , sullivan county schools this year. We have expanded and with that comes alot more teaching and alot more time into this program. But I know its going to be worth it . We have made new changes to the curriculm this year and I'm really excited about that , with that I have been spending the past two afternoons makiing new stuff to go along with the curriculm trying to save the center some money adn doing some crafty things myself !
I'm asking God thsi year for a fresh annointing when I go into the classrooms its alot of spirtual battles that I endure while doing this program but i know that is' all worth it in the end! God is going to change the lifes of these teenagers in this city and the surrounding cities as well I can't wait to see what happens this school year! keep us in prayer for the upcoming year !
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Schools out for the summer
Well school is out for the summer! The boys are very exctied about this and I have to say so am I !
I can't believe that i have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader now. Time really does fly I use to think that everyne was exhaurating when they said that but I have found it to be so true. It seems like yesterday I found out that I was pregnant and wow look 10 years later I have two boys that are growing up before my eyes. I have no regrets though I have spent those years raisng them and taking care of them and spending almost every day with them!
Kolton has in the past few weeks really showed me that he is growing up and it makes me happy but sad at the same time he is my last the baby of our family ! At night before he use to go to sleep i would have to sit in their room with him until he fell asleep or if he fell asleep on the couch i would have to carry him in their bedroom But the past few weeks he looks at me and says " I'm tired I'm going to my room to go to bed, mom you can stay in here I'm a big boy now"!
I said to him are you sure you don't want me to sit with you ? he continues to say to me I'm a big boy now mom! Mr. independent, I love it for somethings but seriously why do they have to grow up so fast. I know they have to and I want them to be great mature young men but right now I wish they were just my little boys that still needed to be rocked to sleep . I know that as they grow up they will need me for different reasons ; girl issues, advice about stuff, but I miss the moments that go by so quickly .
kolton at 5 months old
kristofer at 5 months old
I can't believe that i have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader now. Time really does fly I use to think that everyne was exhaurating when they said that but I have found it to be so true. It seems like yesterday I found out that I was pregnant and wow look 10 years later I have two boys that are growing up before my eyes. I have no regrets though I have spent those years raisng them and taking care of them and spending almost every day with them!
Kolton has in the past few weeks really showed me that he is growing up and it makes me happy but sad at the same time he is my last the baby of our family ! At night before he use to go to sleep i would have to sit in their room with him until he fell asleep or if he fell asleep on the couch i would have to carry him in their bedroom But the past few weeks he looks at me and says " I'm tired I'm going to my room to go to bed, mom you can stay in here I'm a big boy now"!
I said to him are you sure you don't want me to sit with you ? he continues to say to me I'm a big boy now mom! Mr. independent, I love it for somethings but seriously why do they have to grow up so fast. I know they have to and I want them to be great mature young men but right now I wish they were just my little boys that still needed to be rocked to sleep . I know that as they grow up they will need me for different reasons ; girl issues, advice about stuff, but I miss the moments that go by so quickly .
kolton at 5 months old
kristofer at 5 months old
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Dont' let anything steal your Joy
The joy of the Lord is my strength
The devil wants to steal your joy because he knows that joy is your strength, he wants you to be weak so that you won't resist the turmoil he sets against you. That is why we need each other.
I have alot of struggles and battles of the mind this week. and i'm not letting it go on anymore. I may be struck down but I'm not destroyed and I am daughter of the most high God! No weapon formed against me shall prosper I"m more than a conquer.
I'm not letting the enemey take back what I've gotten from the Lord these past few months. God is greater than anything that I'm going thru, and will go thru. I"m not stuck in all this I'm going thru it!
I know alot of people are going thru somethings right now I'm not the only person but it's good to know that God has given me friends that I know that will be there anytime of day for me and will pray with me and not talk about me! Thank you ladies you know who you are for always being there.
The devil wants to steal your joy because he knows that joy is your strength, he wants you to be weak so that you won't resist the turmoil he sets against you. That is why we need each other.
I have alot of struggles and battles of the mind this week. and i'm not letting it go on anymore. I may be struck down but I'm not destroyed and I am daughter of the most high God! No weapon formed against me shall prosper I"m more than a conquer.
I'm not letting the enemey take back what I've gotten from the Lord these past few months. God is greater than anything that I'm going thru, and will go thru. I"m not stuck in all this I'm going thru it!
I know alot of people are going thru somethings right now I'm not the only person but it's good to know that God has given me friends that I know that will be there anytime of day for me and will pray with me and not talk about me! Thank you ladies you know who you are for always being there.
Monday, May 23, 2011
God is so faithful, even when we think it's never going to happen God shows up right on time. I have seen God move in the last few weeks in so many ways I am truly blown away! Even though there may be circumstances that we dont' understand and trials that we have in our lifes, God is still God. When we dont' see God working the way we think He should we get upset and get mad or whatever but God showed me that it's not about Me or anyone else it's all about His timing and what He wants to do.
I was so blessed yesterday at church to be able to see my 7 year old son Kolton get baptized. Some may say he is too young to know what is going on but I say how do we know that God isn't working in the lifes of the young children. Didn't Jesus Himself say let the children come to me? and that in the last day He is going to pour out His Spirit among ALL flesh? to me that includes the children.
Children are so sensitve to God's prescence sometimes more than us adults. they dont care who is looking at them or what people may think that is the place that I want to be in my life!
But yesterday Kolton asked me if he could get baptized and I said yes and talked to him about it and he told me why he is suppose to do it and who am I to stand in the way of what God wants to do in his life.
He kept telling me he wants the Fire of God in his life.
He talked about it all day yesterday! I don' t care about what other people may have said about my son (medical , educators), God has the final word and He created Kolton for a purpose and that purpose will get fullfilled no matter what others may say!
Don 't let others speak negative things over your children or your grandchildren, God is writing their life story not any one else!
I was so blessed yesterday at church to be able to see my 7 year old son Kolton get baptized. Some may say he is too young to know what is going on but I say how do we know that God isn't working in the lifes of the young children. Didn't Jesus Himself say let the children come to me? and that in the last day He is going to pour out His Spirit among ALL flesh? to me that includes the children.
Children are so sensitve to God's prescence sometimes more than us adults. they dont care who is looking at them or what people may think that is the place that I want to be in my life!
But yesterday Kolton asked me if he could get baptized and I said yes and talked to him about it and he told me why he is suppose to do it and who am I to stand in the way of what God wants to do in his life.
He kept telling me he wants the Fire of God in his life.
He talked about it all day yesterday! I don' t care about what other people may have said about my son (medical , educators), God has the final word and He created Kolton for a purpose and that purpose will get fullfilled no matter what others may say!
Don 't let others speak negative things over your children or your grandchildren, God is writing their life story not any one else!
Monday, May 2, 2011
It's Time !
Well it's the 5th month , number 5 equals Gods grace! I was thinking about that a few minutes ago. I dont' know what God has in store for our family but I do know that it has to be good. Something good is around the corner I'm not giving up or giving in. I can't I've come to far to turn back now! God is a good God and His mercies are new every morning. I know that He has plans for us but it's not going to happen in my time But GODS time!
Not always easy to wait when you are going thru stuff and need answers but God has this undercontrol and we just need to trust in Him that He will see us thru. We are going thru not staying in this stuff!
I'm thankful for God sending me friends that always know what to say when I need it or to be there to listen to me. Thank you to my great friends!
Not always easy to wait when you are going thru stuff and need answers but God has this undercontrol and we just need to trust in Him that He will see us thru. We are going thru not staying in this stuff!
I'm thankful for God sending me friends that always know what to say when I need it or to be there to listen to me. Thank you to my great friends!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The last few weeks
The last few weeks have been busy! We had kristofers 10th birthday party last week . It went pretty good he had a lot of friends come and he enjoyed every bit of it! Then Easter was following kristofer did a human video drama with the church it was really good(watched it after they did it on the computer )!
Then the last week of April has been filled with alot of work! I have taken on a few more house cleaning projects for two ladies and finishing up the school year with CPC. I'm going to stay pretty busy for the next month or so but wouldn't want it any other way.
God has been good to us and even though we have to wait on things God always comes thru for us everytime. Maybe not the way that we always want but we arent' in control GOD IS!
Also some other news Kristofer got asked to be on the traveling team with baseball which is a big honor, i know more work for us and more games and practices but as long as it don't become our Number 1 priority I think it will be alright!
Well here are a few pics of the past few weeks,
Then the last week of April has been filled with alot of work! I have taken on a few more house cleaning projects for two ladies and finishing up the school year with CPC. I'm going to stay pretty busy for the next month or so but wouldn't want it any other way.
God has been good to us and even though we have to wait on things God always comes thru for us everytime. Maybe not the way that we always want but we arent' in control GOD IS!
Also some other news Kristofer got asked to be on the traveling team with baseball which is a big honor, i know more work for us and more games and practices but as long as it don't become our Number 1 priority I think it will be alright!
Well here are a few pics of the past few weeks,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Adventure!
Well I'm excited to say that I have started a new adventure while still doing the other things that I do . I have decided to become an Independent Beauty Constultnant for Mary Kay!
I am looking forward to this new adventure, nervous alittle trying something new but hey you wont' know until you try so that is what I'm going to do! Give it my all. I have a party booked already and one that wants to book later in June and I have several people responding and telling me that they have orders so I am looking forward to taking the plunge and diving right it!
So keep me in prayer as I venture out and take this step. It came along in a time that I could use it and I know that God has a plan and I'm taking a step of faith. Well if you know of anyone that wears Mary Kay and would like to know of someone who sells it I would love to help them out please let them know that they contact me and I will help them.
I am looking forward to this new adventure, nervous alittle trying something new but hey you wont' know until you try so that is what I'm going to do! Give it my all. I have a party booked already and one that wants to book later in June and I have several people responding and telling me that they have orders so I am looking forward to taking the plunge and diving right it!
So keep me in prayer as I venture out and take this step. It came along in a time that I could use it and I know that God has a plan and I'm taking a step of faith. Well if you know of anyone that wears Mary Kay and would like to know of someone who sells it I would love to help them out please let them know that they contact me and I will help them.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Baseball Season 2011
Well it's offically started BASEBALL season !!!!!!! So excited I love the boys being active and playing sports. And I love baseball season. yeah it's really busy but it's so much fun. We had Jamboree today at Terre Town Baseball and boy was it cold outside. The boys both had games today which were just kick off the season games so no score was kept and it was all for fun ! Well it's always for fun during the season but this game didnt really count!
Kolton did a great job in the outfield today, he moved up this year and is no longer in Tball ! So he did really good at paying attention and keeping his focus on the game. He had two plays in the outfield he caught the ball one time and threw it to first base and got the kid out, the second time he threw it to the pitcher to get the kid out at home, didnt succed at the one but hey he knew what he was suppose to do! I was really impressed with his progress this year!
Kristofer was the catcher during his game today, he loves that position and I must say he is really good at it! He had a really good hit today also but he did get out at first but hey he did good thats all that matters. I'm just amazed how much he has grown in playing baseball he is really gifted at this. He has natural abiltiy is what all the coaches say which is awesome. All the coaches are constantly braggin on him from other teams too about how he is a great thing team player and has great sportsmanship. Which is a great thing! I'm so proud of both of them
I am looking forward to all the games this season and I know that sounds crazy to alot of people but thats the life of a mom with two active boys! I love it there will be more posted weekly about their games and how they are doing we have koltons first game on Monday and Kristofers on Tuesday ! Let the fun begin but warmer weather would be great !
Monday, April 4, 2011
It is good to Obey!
These past few months I have come to find out that it is better to obey what God wants for you to do then to do what you want! That isnt' the easist thing for me to do but is it for any of us?
We have been having Outpouring services since August at church and I have grown so much in these past months and have been challenged too! We are going to face challenges and trials in life that is just how it is but its what we do with it . I will admit it would be so easy sometimes to quit and give up but is that really easier or better not at all. In James 1:2-3 says "count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So we are going to have them we just have to continue having faith in God to see us through.
Back in January God started really speaking to me not that He wasnt' all along but to be honest I dont' always listen I sometimes need a shaking! So I'm a little stubborn sometimes or strong willed whatever you want to call it.. But I had been seeking God and still am for some things in my life and this is what He said through several different people during prayer time at the alter. The same word that kept being spoken was obedience. Here I thought I was being obedient, I'm going to church every time we have it I mean Sunday, wednesday and O.P services on thursday and Friday? Giving my tithes and reading my bible and praying? wasnt' that enough?
The answer for me was No it wasnt', those things are what we are suppose to do but not out of obligation or just because its the right thing to do . It should be because we desire to have more of God in our life than ever before and desire Him above anything else in our life. So God asked me to be more obedient in a few areas that I thought I was but not enough. One of those areas was in my praise and worship time, not only to be done at church while everyone can see me but in my home when no one is looking. The other area was in my prayer time. Not just asking God for all the things that I think that I need to have done in my life but really seeking Him first and letting Him be the head of my life. Not just seeking Him when things come up but everyday in every area of my life.
So the past few months I have been obedient in these areas do I have it all together NO but I know that God is a rewarder of those who dilgently seek Him. I know that God has great things in store and I just have to obey what He says to do.
When I ask my boys to do something I want them to listen and do it the first time so i dont' have to ask them over and over . So if I want my own children to obey and listen the first time I need to listen and obey God when He speaks the first time because it is better to do it when He first speaks.
We have been having Outpouring services since August at church and I have grown so much in these past months and have been challenged too! We are going to face challenges and trials in life that is just how it is but its what we do with it . I will admit it would be so easy sometimes to quit and give up but is that really easier or better not at all. In James 1:2-3 says "count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So we are going to have them we just have to continue having faith in God to see us through.
Back in January God started really speaking to me not that He wasnt' all along but to be honest I dont' always listen I sometimes need a shaking! So I'm a little stubborn sometimes or strong willed whatever you want to call it.. But I had been seeking God and still am for some things in my life and this is what He said through several different people during prayer time at the alter. The same word that kept being spoken was obedience. Here I thought I was being obedient, I'm going to church every time we have it I mean Sunday, wednesday and O.P services on thursday and Friday? Giving my tithes and reading my bible and praying? wasnt' that enough?
The answer for me was No it wasnt', those things are what we are suppose to do but not out of obligation or just because its the right thing to do . It should be because we desire to have more of God in our life than ever before and desire Him above anything else in our life. So God asked me to be more obedient in a few areas that I thought I was but not enough. One of those areas was in my praise and worship time, not only to be done at church while everyone can see me but in my home when no one is looking. The other area was in my prayer time. Not just asking God for all the things that I think that I need to have done in my life but really seeking Him first and letting Him be the head of my life. Not just seeking Him when things come up but everyday in every area of my life.
So the past few months I have been obedient in these areas do I have it all together NO but I know that God is a rewarder of those who dilgently seek Him. I know that God has great things in store and I just have to obey what He says to do.
When I ask my boys to do something I want them to listen and do it the first time so i dont' have to ask them over and over . So if I want my own children to obey and listen the first time I need to listen and obey God when He speaks the first time because it is better to do it when He first speaks.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
blessed in the small things
I just want to take a moment and thank God for the things that we sometimes take forgranted or sometimes over look. Sometimes we get so busy with the business of everyday life that we forget about the small things in life that bring us so many blessings. When life gets so chaotic and we are surrounded by problems or just life issues we can't over look the things that God has blessed us with.
This weekend I spent so much time in cleaning the house and worry about people coming over for a coupon class it consumed me . Honestly does it really matter if we have fingerprints on the coffee table or a few toys on the floor I really dont think so ! It just made me think tonight after looking at my youngest son Kolton and seeing time flies by and how fast they really do grow, in the end it dont' matter how clean my house was or how much money we make or what we buy them that matters. All that matters at the end of the day is did I show my boys how much I love them and did I show them what being a christian is all about. Did I tell them about Jesus and not only tell them but lead by example. Because there will be a day that I will look back and want those fingerprints all over the house and toys that i can step on in the middle of the night on my floor! There will be a time that they will leave and start a family of their own and I will miss all these times that drive me crazy!
We have blessings everyday ;they are in our children sometimes yes they do drive me crazy or wear me completely out but they are blessings!
Let us never take those blessings for granted and always stop and thank God for them
This weekend I spent so much time in cleaning the house and worry about people coming over for a coupon class it consumed me . Honestly does it really matter if we have fingerprints on the coffee table or a few toys on the floor I really dont think so ! It just made me think tonight after looking at my youngest son Kolton and seeing time flies by and how fast they really do grow, in the end it dont' matter how clean my house was or how much money we make or what we buy them that matters. All that matters at the end of the day is did I show my boys how much I love them and did I show them what being a christian is all about. Did I tell them about Jesus and not only tell them but lead by example. Because there will be a day that I will look back and want those fingerprints all over the house and toys that i can step on in the middle of the night on my floor! There will be a time that they will leave and start a family of their own and I will miss all these times that drive me crazy!
We have blessings everyday ;they are in our children sometimes yes they do drive me crazy or wear me completely out but they are blessings!
Let us never take those blessings for granted and always stop and thank God for them

Monday, March 14, 2011
Friends like family

I am so thankful for a group of friends that I know will be there anytime I need them. I remember back in high school I know right a long time ago ! But I remember trying to find that group of girls that I could hangout with and be my self . well it wasn't until I got out of high school and in my late 20's that I found a group of friends that have become more to me than a group of friends but more like extended family!

It's a great feeling to know that when I am struggling or having a bad day I can call them and I know that instead of gossiping about me and spreading rumors they pray for me and encourage me. We dont' have to compete with one another to see who can become the popular one or keep up with what each other has, but we rejoice when someone gets something new or something good happens for one of them. It's so much different than when I was younger. Now I realize what it means to have great friends. God knows exactly who we need in our lifes and I thank God for the group of friends that He has given me and I want each one of them to know how much they mean to me!

Proverbs 17:17 MSG " Friends love through all kinds of weather , and families stick together in all kinds of trouble"
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Truly blessed

Everyday I am reminded how blessed I really am. I am so thankful for the gifts that God has intrusted me with;my children. I have been given two boys Krisotofer and Kolton who are simply amazing. There is nothing that I would rather be then their mom. As I sit here this night thinking over the past almost 10 years since i have this privalge to be called a mom I'm very grateful with what I have been given.
I don't have perfect children and no one does but I have awesome boys that are growing up so fast. I sit here tonight listening to my youngest sleep and thank God that he is making so much progress. I know that God has a plan for his life, i'm amazed how far he has come with what was simple for our oldest son Kristofer has been a challenge for our youngest son Kolton. It's amazing how children even coming from the same household can be so different. I thank God for their differences and embrace their uniqueness.

Kristofer has really grown up these past few months he is getting to be mature in ways that I am so thankful for . He has started to grow in the Lord which as a mom I cant be more proud of him. I always want him to know that the only way to succeed in life is to have Jesus in your life walking with you every step of the way. I know that in his life he will have to make choices and decisions but I'm thankful that as he has to do those things he has a foundation to stand on and the word of God in his heart. I know that God has a plan for his life not sure what he will do but i know what ever it is he is going to do great things! He has such a talent in alot of areas but as long as he uses the for the glory of GOd im happy !

Kolton is a joy to be around. I thank God for his life daily. There is something special about him he has such a tender compassionate heart. He truly makes me happy , there are times when he is a challenge but I know through those times we are getting stronger. These past few months I have seen a big change in his life. Not only in what he is able to do academically but even growing in the Lord . I know he is only 7 years old but I believe that God uses children and speaks to them. Kolton has a heart for God and is constantly wanting to pray for people. The way that he worships when he is at the alter at church is a joy to watch. God has given him the talent with music. He told me that Jesus said he was going to be a Pastor when he gets bigger , I believe that with all my heart. What the enemy meant for bad God has turned it around for the good and God will get the glory.
I have to stop and thank God every day for my children, because children are a gift from the Lord.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Ok I'm back and starting this again
Well its been a long time since i posted on here but I'm back and trying to keep up with it ! Life has been pretty busy lately and I know that everyone else has been busy as well. I will post more later, I just wanted to tell everyone I'm starting this blogging thing again !
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