We have been having Outpouring services since August at church and I have grown so much in these past months and have been challenged too! We are going to face challenges and trials in life that is just how it is but its what we do with it . I will admit it would be so easy sometimes to quit and give up but is that really easier or better not at all. In James 1:2-3 says "count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So we are going to have them we just have to continue having faith in God to see us through.
Back in January God started really speaking to me not that He wasnt' all along but to be honest I dont' always listen I sometimes need a shaking! So I'm a little stubborn sometimes or strong willed whatever you want to call it.. But I had been seeking God and still am for some things in my life and this is what He said through several different people during prayer time at the alter. The same word that kept being spoken was obedience. Here I thought I was being obedient, I'm going to church every time we have it I mean Sunday, wednesday and O.P services on thursday and Friday? Giving my tithes and reading my bible and praying? wasnt' that enough?
The answer for me was No it wasnt', those things are what we are suppose to do but not out of obligation or just because its the right thing to do . It should be because we desire to have more of God in our life than ever before and desire Him above anything else in our life. So God asked me to be more obedient in a few areas that I thought I was but not enough. One of those areas was in my praise and worship time, not only to be done at church while everyone can see me but in my home when no one is looking. The other area was in my prayer time. Not just asking God for all the things that I think that I need to have done in my life but really seeking Him first and letting Him be the head of my life. Not just seeking Him when things come up but everyday in every area of my life.
So the past few months I have been obedient in these areas do I have it all together NO but I know that God is a rewarder of those who dilgently seek Him. I know that God has great things in store and I just have to obey what He says to do.
When I ask my boys to do something I want them to listen and do it the first time so i dont' have to ask them over and over . So if I want my own children to obey and listen the first time I need to listen and obey God when He speaks the first time because it is better to do it when He first speaks.
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Great blog!
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