Everyday I am reminded how blessed I really am. I am so thankful for the gifts that God has intrusted me with;my children. I have been given two boys Krisotofer and Kolton who are simply amazing. There is nothing that I would rather be then their mom. As I sit here this night thinking over the past almost 10 years since i have this privalge to be called a mom I'm very grateful with what I have been given.
I don't have perfect children and no one does but I have awesome boys that are growing up so fast. I sit here tonight listening to my youngest sleep and thank God that he is making so much progress. I know that God has a plan for his life, i'm amazed how far he has come with what was simple for our oldest son Kristofer has been a challenge for our youngest son Kolton. It's amazing how children even coming from the same household can be so different. I thank God for their differences and embrace their uniqueness.

Kristofer has really grown up these past few months he is getting to be mature in ways that I am so thankful for . He has started to grow in the Lord which as a mom I cant be more proud of him. I always want him to know that the only way to succeed in life is to have Jesus in your life walking with you every step of the way. I know that in his life he will have to make choices and decisions but I'm thankful that as he has to do those things he has a foundation to stand on and the word of God in his heart. I know that God has a plan for his life not sure what he will do but i know what ever it is he is going to do great things! He has such a talent in alot of areas but as long as he uses the for the glory of GOd im happy !

Kolton is a joy to be around. I thank God for his life daily. There is something special about him he has such a tender compassionate heart. He truly makes me happy , there are times when he is a challenge but I know through those times we are getting stronger. These past few months I have seen a big change in his life. Not only in what he is able to do academically but even growing in the Lord . I know he is only 7 years old but I believe that God uses children and speaks to them. Kolton has a heart for God and is constantly wanting to pray for people. The way that he worships when he is at the alter at church is a joy to watch. God has given him the talent with music. He told me that Jesus said he was going to be a Pastor when he gets bigger , I believe that with all my heart. What the enemy meant for bad God has turned it around for the good and God will get the glory.
I have to stop and thank God every day for my children, because children are a gift from the Lord.
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