Well it's been all summer with no computer but i'm glad to announce that i'm finally back on and hopefully for awhile! Well heres a few updates summer has flown by us with our crazy busy lives!
We had baseball pretty much everyday of the summer vacation, and now we are playing fall baseball and that starts the 12th of september. But we are not only playing this year but also coaching the team, so this is a new experience for us.
Kristofer had fun playing all stars this year, even though it did drain him everyday. We had an ok season, we came in 1st place at terre town tournment, 2nd in west vigo, 4th in clinton and 5th in brazil. So it was a learning experience for the whole team.
Now school is underway the kids love it! I'm happy that they both got great teachers and love going to school it makes it easier to send them when they want to go! Kolton is now in kindergarten? I can't believe that he is 6 years old and I have a big boy now no baby!( at least thats what he say)! Well I'll post more later but it's been forever since I was on here and I don't want to get in the habit of being on here all the time. It can be addicting! But I just wanted everyone to know that I was back on and missed reading all your blogs I'll get caught up on reading them when the kids go to bed later tonight. Everyone have a great evening
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
fun arts
Well this past Saturday I went with Kristofer to Fun Arts with the kids from church , what an experience. It went really good with the few minor qlitches but that's ok. I went this workshop on Object Lessons and it was really interesting and I really learned alot from it. To be completely honest I was kinda dreading getting up that early and going to Muncie when I had a lot of other things to do that day, but when you get past It's all about me syndrome then you can actually learn somethings!
I was blessed to be apart of it this year, and look forward to doing it again next year. Ihad a great time spending time with my son Kristofer and my dearest friends "the Henke crew" (besides Danny driving it was really fun) LOL!
Now this week is going to be busy but good, we have a big baseball game tonight for Kristofer he's playing another team that's undefeated so someone is going to have to loose , hopefully not us! But it's going to be good, and then Kolton has a game tomorrow night. We are having our yard sale on Friday and Saturday, plus it's a 3 day weekend! Plan on spending sometime with the family and having a cookout with Hannah and Kris on Monday. So it's going to be alot of family things this week but what could be better.
Well enough for now, gotta go tanning before Kolton gets home from school! I"ll be posting later on how this game goes tonight along with some pics
I was blessed to be apart of it this year, and look forward to doing it again next year. Ihad a great time spending time with my son Kristofer and my dearest friends "the Henke crew" (besides Danny driving it was really fun) LOL!
Now this week is going to be busy but good, we have a big baseball game tonight for Kristofer he's playing another team that's undefeated so someone is going to have to loose , hopefully not us! But it's going to be good, and then Kolton has a game tomorrow night. We are having our yard sale on Friday and Saturday, plus it's a 3 day weekend! Plan on spending sometime with the family and having a cookout with Hannah and Kris on Monday. So it's going to be alot of family things this week but what could be better.
Well enough for now, gotta go tanning before Kolton gets home from school! I"ll be posting later on how this game goes tonight along with some pics
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The things that kids say that make you smile!
Well first of all I hope that all the fellow blogger moms had a great mother's day, I had a pretty good day. But I wanted to share some cute things that the boys did and said this past weekend that really made me smile, and really glad to be a mom! Well Kristofer made me a card that looked like a magazine cover(really clever), it said Mother of the year... Amanda Julian and had my pic on it. Then the inside had a cover story about me and my age and all that. Then he wrote a fake interview, that read : How did you feel when your'e mom was awarded Mother of the year? Great I think she deserves it. What do you like most about what your mom does for you? That she cooks dinner for me every night. Then the last question was, What have you learned most from the advice your mom has given you? To always follow Jesus and not to cross the road without looking!
It really made me smile they say the funniest things about you sometimes you know ? And then Kolton on Sunday opened the car door for me and said Happy Day Momma, love you. I knew what he meant but it was so stinkin sweet.... which he could be that way all the time! Then we were walking around the mall that day and he was holding my hand and every once awhile he would lean over and give my hand a kiss and smile at me with that adorable smile.
It's in the small things that make me so happy that I"m a mom, we take so much forgranted in life I just pray that we take the time every day to realize it's the small things that mean the most. And apart of the small things are our children. They grow up so fast and soon they will be out of the house and living their own life but for this short time we have them with us, never stop thanking God for all the blessings that He has given you.
Well update on baseball on Monday the boys both had a game , Kolton hit the ball really good and his coach said what an improvement he has made this year, and Krisotfer's team won again 10-3! Still undefeated! We play again on Monday against a team that is also undefeated so it's going to be a good one I'll be sure to post results on that one next week ! Well I've got to head to bed long day tomorrow.
Have a great week
It really made me smile they say the funniest things about you sometimes you know ? And then Kolton on Sunday opened the car door for me and said Happy Day Momma, love you. I knew what he meant but it was so stinkin sweet.... which he could be that way all the time! Then we were walking around the mall that day and he was holding my hand and every once awhile he would lean over and give my hand a kiss and smile at me with that adorable smile.
It's in the small things that make me so happy that I"m a mom, we take so much forgranted in life I just pray that we take the time every day to realize it's the small things that mean the most. And apart of the small things are our children. They grow up so fast and soon they will be out of the house and living their own life but for this short time we have them with us, never stop thanking God for all the blessings that He has given you.
Well update on baseball on Monday the boys both had a game , Kolton hit the ball really good and his coach said what an improvement he has made this year, and Krisotfer's team won again 10-3! Still undefeated! We play again on Monday against a team that is also undefeated so it's going to be a good one I'll be sure to post results on that one next week ! Well I've got to head to bed long day tomorrow.
Have a great week
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Baseball pictures as promised
Well I finally uploaded baseball pictures, they are of Kristofer (gray team) and Kolton(red team)! They have done really well this season, very proud of them both. Kristofer had a game this week and they won 4-1 so now his team is 5-0 for the season so far! But he had two great plays during that game he scored his first two homeruns during that game! He was super excited, so were we. Kolton is continuing to improve every game, hitting the ball and staying on those bases doing very good.
And for other news, I've started doing workouts this past week. I'm so sore but I know that it will pay off in the end(i remind myself that on a daily basis)! Tuesday night we started Zumba classes at the church it was so much fun and it was a overall great workout, then I also started working out at the church with Cheryl Lough from church. She is training me on how to do weight training and cardio, and she is tough but very encouraging and pushes me, and thats what I need. I really do feel alot better since I've been doing something! I also this week have eliminated my soda intake(use to be all I drank) but now it's one a day, doing very good with it. I actually can't believe it but it's going good drinking alot more water, and eating healthier. I have a long way to go but I'm really trying this and striving to keep it up! Well thats about all thats going on in the Julian family.

And for other news, I've started doing workouts this past week. I'm so sore but I know that it will pay off in the end(i remind myself that on a daily basis)! Tuesday night we started Zumba classes at the church it was so much fun and it was a overall great workout, then I also started working out at the church with Cheryl Lough from church. She is training me on how to do weight training and cardio, and she is tough but very encouraging and pushes me, and thats what I need. I really do feel alot better since I've been doing something! I also this week have eliminated my soda intake(use to be all I drank) but now it's one a day, doing very good with it. I actually can't believe it but it's going good drinking alot more water, and eating healthier. I have a long way to go but I'm really trying this and striving to keep it up! Well thats about all thats going on in the Julian family.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Baseball season is underway!
Well the boys started baseball season offically on April 20th, it's been great so far. Kristofer has had 3 games so far, and has won all 3 of them! We are very proud of him, he is doing so well this season. He has pitched two innings every game and done really good, and then the other innings he has either been cathcher or short stop. He loves all three of those positions, I personally like him playing short stop, but Jimmy loves it when he pitches(go figure right?)
Well here are the scores so far;4/21 they won 2-0, 4/25 they won 3-1, and then tonight 4/29 they won 16-2! So we are on a winning strick~ I hope it last! They have another game this coming Saturday so I'll post how they do then.
Now on to Kolton~ he is playing his second year in T-ball, and doing alot better than last year! He is staying on the field, and staying on the bases like he's suppose to and even hitting! So it's been a great year for him too. Now their league does't keep score so he has won all of his games too! And he also has a game this coming Saturday, so we will be spending all day at the ball field, hopefully it's nice out. I love baseball season, it's busy but so much fun. I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth.
Now before I had kids I wasnt' much of a sports fan period, but now that I have two boys that love sports and a husband that does also, I kinda either have to like it or get use to it! So why not like it, I figure that it's going to be apart of my life for awhile so I might as well enjoy it!And for me it's alot different watching your kids play then watching a professional game that you dont know the people anyway!
Well we had Kristofer's bday party on last Friday evening, he had a great turn out and got lots of fun stuff. I was really bad and didn't take any pics of that did remember my camera though just ddint' have a chance to use it! O well, thats life.
I do have some baseball pics that I will post later I"m getting ready to go to bed after spending 3 hours at the ball field I'm worn out, so hope everyone is having a great week!
Well here are the scores so far;4/21 they won 2-0, 4/25 they won 3-1, and then tonight 4/29 they won 16-2! So we are on a winning strick~ I hope it last! They have another game this coming Saturday so I'll post how they do then.
Now on to Kolton~ he is playing his second year in T-ball, and doing alot better than last year! He is staying on the field, and staying on the bases like he's suppose to and even hitting! So it's been a great year for him too. Now their league does't keep score so he has won all of his games too! And he also has a game this coming Saturday, so we will be spending all day at the ball field, hopefully it's nice out. I love baseball season, it's busy but so much fun. I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth.
Now before I had kids I wasnt' much of a sports fan period, but now that I have two boys that love sports and a husband that does also, I kinda either have to like it or get use to it! So why not like it, I figure that it's going to be apart of my life for awhile so I might as well enjoy it!And for me it's alot different watching your kids play then watching a professional game that you dont know the people anyway!
Well we had Kristofer's bday party on last Friday evening, he had a great turn out and got lots of fun stuff. I was really bad and didn't take any pics of that did remember my camera though just ddint' have a chance to use it! O well, thats life.
I do have some baseball pics that I will post later I"m getting ready to go to bed after spending 3 hours at the ball field I'm worn out, so hope everyone is having a great week!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
where did 8 years go?
Well tomorrow my oldest son Kristofer will be 8! I can't believe thats possible, it seems like yesterday he was in my arms. Man does time really go by fast. Alot has happened in 8 years, I went from being a newly married girl to being a mom! What an adjustment that was, but well worth it. Then the next few months I spent rocking, feeding, changeing, loosing sleep, but I would do it all over in a heart beat. Then he went to kindergarten, man was that a big step sending him off to a place he has never been before. But ofcourse he did great, it was me that had a hard time! Next was 1st grade, now 2nd !
I"m so proud of Kristofer and all that he has become thus far. God has really blessed our family with a treasure, I wouldn't change it for anything! I am excited to see what the next year holds for him.
Well here is a baby picture of kristofer when he was 2 months old, then his new school picture this year. So you can see how in 8 years they really do grow up and change. But no matter what he will be my baby forever!

I"m so proud of Kristofer and all that he has become thus far. God has really blessed our family with a treasure, I wouldn't change it for anything! I am excited to see what the next year holds for him.
Well here is a baby picture of kristofer when he was 2 months old, then his new school picture this year. So you can see how in 8 years they really do grow up and change. But no matter what he will be my baby forever!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
spring pictures!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Whats going on
Well not a whole lot has been going on with us, but I do have some great news to share with everyone. Most of you know that in December Jimmy got his pay cut in half which was really crazy, too say the least. But through prayer and being faithful to God, even though life wasn't going the way that we wanted it to, God provided and as of last night he is back on as operator! So I want to thank all those who kept us in your prayers during this time.
It's all about God's timing, not ours. I tried to take matters in my own hands, because I was worried about everything, and I went applying for all these jobs. Not one person ever called me back from those apps I did have one interview but nothing. I was getting upset because I was sure I would get one of those jobs! But God knew what He had planned, and once I stepped out of the picture starting asking God what He wanted me to do and not telling Him what was going to do, it all worked according to His plan and purpose. One of the things that I learned in this time, is that I need to fully trust God not just with some things but with ALL things. Not so easy at times , but well worth it in the end!
I look back over these past few months and I am amazed that we made it I don't have to go in detail but there was times where I was wondering how in the world is this going to happen. I 'm sure everyone knows what that feels like at some point.
I heard this one song it's on Fireproof movie, and it's called "while I'm waiting" by JOhn waller. It's so good, it actually became my theme song these past few months. This song talks about waiting on the Lord, and through it all praising God and walking in obedience with Him while waiting. Not easy at times but it's the only way to do it. Through these past few months I just decided that what ever God wanted to do, I need to let Him do and just walk with Him. So that is really what God has been doing in my life these past few months. Growing isn't always a easy, just like when the kids have those growing pains, it does hurt the same way when God is growing you, but it's well worth it! Here is that song, and everyone have a great Easter and remember to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your understanding!
It's all about God's timing, not ours. I tried to take matters in my own hands, because I was worried about everything, and I went applying for all these jobs. Not one person ever called me back from those apps I did have one interview but nothing. I was getting upset because I was sure I would get one of those jobs! But God knew what He had planned, and once I stepped out of the picture starting asking God what He wanted me to do and not telling Him what was going to do, it all worked according to His plan and purpose. One of the things that I learned in this time, is that I need to fully trust God not just with some things but with ALL things. Not so easy at times , but well worth it in the end!
I look back over these past few months and I am amazed that we made it I don't have to go in detail but there was times where I was wondering how in the world is this going to happen. I 'm sure everyone knows what that feels like at some point.
I heard this one song it's on Fireproof movie, and it's called "while I'm waiting" by JOhn waller. It's so good, it actually became my theme song these past few months. This song talks about waiting on the Lord, and through it all praising God and walking in obedience with Him while waiting. Not easy at times but it's the only way to do it. Through these past few months I just decided that what ever God wanted to do, I need to let Him do and just walk with Him. So that is really what God has been doing in my life these past few months. Growing isn't always a easy, just like when the kids have those growing pains, it does hurt the same way when God is growing you, but it's well worth it! Here is that song, and everyone have a great Easter and remember to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your understanding!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Victoriouly Frazzled!
Well we started a new book in Sunday School this past week called " Victoriously Frazzled". It's been so good so far, and it's only been the first week! It's what I really need at this moment in my life, and God is so faithful to bring that to us when we need a word. I wanted to share something that really spoke to me this week during my devotion, let it speak to you like it did to me.
The first thing I'll share was from Romans 8: 37 " In all these things we are more than conquers through Him who loved us". And she was talking about in the book how we get so busy in our daily schedules and with life in general that we get off balance, I know sometimes I feel off balanced in my life. But she made 4 statements that really spoke to me: #1. I can't do everything
#2. I can't be everything to everybody
#3. I will stop trying to do it all
#4. I will stop trying to be it all
I don't know how many of you are guilty of this I might be the only one(highly doubt it though), that try to do everything all the time for everyone and I needed to hear that from someone other than my husband!
Then the last thing I want to share was from today , Resting in Jesus! And she had made a statment that really stuck to me Nothing is insignificant to God. If it's about you , then it's important to Him! We think that our piddly little stresses dont' matter to Him.
I've been guilty of thinking this many times that for some reason it wasn't a BIG thing so I felt that I didn't need to bother God with it, but God cares about every area of our lives and and He wants us to rest in Him.
I'll leave you with this last statement that spoke to me, In growing my intimacy with God on a daily basis, I take baby steps toward my Savior and those little steps produce BIG blessings! That's God's arithmetic!
I am so excited about what God is doing in my life, even though I completely don't understand it that is the hard part at times, But all we can do is Trust in God and everything is going to be alright.
Well as far as the family we are all doing good, finally over all the colds and flu that had been going around the house. The boys are doing good in school, and ready for spring break. They have started baseball practices this is the second week of that they are loving it, as for me not so much but once season starts I will. Kristofer has JBQ meet this weekend so we are leaving to go there tomorrow afternoon, I'm praying that they do good and have fun learning God's word.
And we are excited because the last Sunday of this month Kristofer will be getting baptized! I'm so excited to see what God is doing in the lifes of my boys, even though at times they may drive me crazy I know God is at work in there hearts! Well thats all for now, getting ready to go to bed so I can have plenty of rest for this weekend.
The first thing I'll share was from Romans 8: 37 " In all these things we are more than conquers through Him who loved us". And she was talking about in the book how we get so busy in our daily schedules and with life in general that we get off balance, I know sometimes I feel off balanced in my life. But she made 4 statements that really spoke to me: #1. I can't do everything
#2. I can't be everything to everybody
#3. I will stop trying to do it all
#4. I will stop trying to be it all
I don't know how many of you are guilty of this I might be the only one(highly doubt it though), that try to do everything all the time for everyone and I needed to hear that from someone other than my husband!
Then the last thing I want to share was from today , Resting in Jesus! And she had made a statment that really stuck to me Nothing is insignificant to God. If it's about you , then it's important to Him! We think that our piddly little stresses dont' matter to Him.
I've been guilty of thinking this many times that for some reason it wasn't a BIG thing so I felt that I didn't need to bother God with it, but God cares about every area of our lives and and He wants us to rest in Him.
I'll leave you with this last statement that spoke to me, In growing my intimacy with God on a daily basis, I take baby steps toward my Savior and those little steps produce BIG blessings! That's God's arithmetic!
I am so excited about what God is doing in my life, even though I completely don't understand it that is the hard part at times, But all we can do is Trust in God and everything is going to be alright.
Well as far as the family we are all doing good, finally over all the colds and flu that had been going around the house. The boys are doing good in school, and ready for spring break. They have started baseball practices this is the second week of that they are loving it, as for me not so much but once season starts I will. Kristofer has JBQ meet this weekend so we are leaving to go there tomorrow afternoon, I'm praying that they do good and have fun learning God's word.
And we are excited because the last Sunday of this month Kristofer will be getting baptized! I'm so excited to see what God is doing in the lifes of my boys, even though at times they may drive me crazy I know God is at work in there hearts! Well thats all for now, getting ready to go to bed so I can have plenty of rest for this weekend.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's been awhile
Well it's been awhile since the last time I updated this, I've been busy doing other things so I've not had the time to update it. So that is what I'm going to do now. Not a whole lot has been going on with us, Jimmy and I have managed not to get sick(thank God)!. But the boys had alittle going on with them , kristofer had strep throat about a few weeks ago and kolton had the flu for a few days. But they are defiently better now!
An update on the kids, Kristofer is doing good in school he brought home 3 tests today and all three of them were A's! He is also doing good in Junior Bible Quiz, I know it's hard but I'm proud of him how far he's came these past few weeks with that.
Kolton is just Kolton I don' t know another word to describe that bundle of energy! He's hilarious, he can say somethings to always make me laugh. Today we were driving down the road and he was naming the places that he saw.... this was our conversation: mamma what's that called? pizza hut, mamma whats that called? Applebee's , mamma what's that called? he waited so I thought he didnt ' know I said that's Diary Queen, he said no mamma that's milkshakes! I just started laughing, kids say some funny things.
I"m just glad that he is talking, and doing so good at it. He has come such along way even over the past few months, what an improvement we've seen in him.
The boys are both getting ready to start baseball we are excited about that I'm more excited because that means warmer weather is on it's way!
Well here is a few pictures from the past month. I'll try and update more!

An update on the kids, Kristofer is doing good in school he brought home 3 tests today and all three of them were A's! He is also doing good in Junior Bible Quiz, I know it's hard but I'm proud of him how far he's came these past few weeks with that.
Kolton is just Kolton I don' t know another word to describe that bundle of energy! He's hilarious, he can say somethings to always make me laugh. Today we were driving down the road and he was naming the places that he saw.... this was our conversation: mamma what's that called? pizza hut, mamma whats that called? Applebee's , mamma what's that called? he waited so I thought he didnt ' know I said that's Diary Queen, he said no mamma that's milkshakes! I just started laughing, kids say some funny things.
I"m just glad that he is talking, and doing so good at it. He has come such along way even over the past few months, what an improvement we've seen in him.
The boys are both getting ready to start baseball we are excited about that I'm more excited because that means warmer weather is on it's way!
Well here is a few pictures from the past month. I'll try and update more!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Prayer
I have heard this song alot on wbgl but for some reason when i just heard it, it really spoke to me. This is my prayer I need more of Jesus in my life than ever before. I want to the Lord to tear down anything that is keeping me from giving my all to Him. Last Sunday night when I was in the service, we were praying for those who had something going on that they needed the Lord to touch their situation. And like we were asked to do find someone with their hand up and ask them what they need pray for so that is what I did. And right after that we were singing and Sister Karen came up to me and gave me hug and started praying for me, not knowing the things that were going on which no one did, she prayed everything that I needed her to. God is so good, even when we think that we are OK HE shows us that we aren't , it's ok to get prayer for yourself, I feel like so many times I'm giving and giving and praying for others that I don't do that for myself. God showed me during that prayer time that He does care about everything that goes on in my life,even the small things. But to me the small things seem like Big things if you know what I mean. Our family is going thru somethings right now and it's hard but God is still God and He will never leave us nor forsake us and He will supply our need and He's a great God! And no matter what the enemy throws our way we WIN!
Well here is the song called " Hurricane" this is my prayer and I hope you like it
Well here is the song called " Hurricane" this is my prayer and I hope you like it
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Well it's been about a week with out the computer, and tell you the truth I survived without it! But I'm glad I got it back. Well not much has been going on with us this week, except for staying inside out of this cold weather(other than taking the kids to school)... but today the boys had a dentist appointment at 11 so I let Kristofer stay home it was a delay anyway! And then No school tomorrow or Monday! I love it when they are home, it's so much fun playing with them and just watching them grow up before your very own eyes. Although this week for some reason I've been really sad to see them grow up, it's sometimes sad for moms.
But anyway.... today we have spent time playing game, playing the wii(which is so much fun I don't know who santa brought it for? ha ha ) and we let the boys play out in the snow for a few minutes not too long but long enough to have some fun. Krisotfer was making snow angels and playing with our dog who loves the snow but he's a crazy dog! Kolton really didn't like being out in the snow so he stayed by the door and watched most of the time!
Tonight is going to be just the three of us at home, who knows what we will be doing but I'm sure it will be fun... no bedtime YEPPIE!!! I know that may not be good parenting skills but who makes up the rules anyway right? Well I'm going to get off here because I have some delicious chicken in the oven along with some brocoli cheese cassorole! So it's dinner time, I'll be able to post some overdue pics tomorrow or later on this evening but I'll do it as promised . Everyone have a great night and stay inside out of this weather if at all possible!!!
But anyway.... today we have spent time playing game, playing the wii(which is so much fun I don't know who santa brought it for? ha ha ) and we let the boys play out in the snow for a few minutes not too long but long enough to have some fun. Krisotfer was making snow angels and playing with our dog who loves the snow but he's a crazy dog! Kolton really didn't like being out in the snow so he stayed by the door and watched most of the time!
Tonight is going to be just the three of us at home, who knows what we will be doing but I'm sure it will be fun... no bedtime YEPPIE!!! I know that may not be good parenting skills but who makes up the rules anyway right? Well I'm going to get off here because I have some delicious chicken in the oven along with some brocoli cheese cassorole! So it's dinner time, I'll be able to post some overdue pics tomorrow or later on this evening but I'll do it as promised . Everyone have a great night and stay inside out of this weather if at all possible!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
computer problems
Well I haven't really been on the computer lately to post any new pics or anything for some reason my computer keeps shutting off on me when i'm on it. I don't know what is going on with it you would think spending alot of money on a DELL computer wouldn't do that but even the best things mess up i guess. So I'm not able to post any pics right now but just an update on the boys they are doing pretty good. Kristofer is getting back into the swing of things with school. It's hard to get back on track after coming off break, but he's doing great. It's hard for me to get back on a schedule with them because on break we just kinda stayed up til whenever, but now it's back to bedtimes!!!!
And Kolton isn't having a great week for some reason but I"m praying that he will start soon! YOu gotta love him but this week he's really trying the patience, but hopefully he 'll stop all this fit throwing TODAY!
Jimmy's doing pretty good he just got done celebrating his 31st bday yesterday which is always fun. But we are all doing good but I'm going to get off before my computer starts doing something crazy! Hope you all have a great week and pray that i get this computer thing fixed out because I have homework that needs to be getting done. Well I'll post some more at a later time
And Kolton isn't having a great week for some reason but I"m praying that he will start soon! YOu gotta love him but this week he's really trying the patience, but hopefully he 'll stop all this fit throwing TODAY!
Jimmy's doing pretty good he just got done celebrating his 31st bday yesterday which is always fun. But we are all doing good but I'm going to get off before my computer starts doing something crazy! Hope you all have a great week and pray that i get this computer thing fixed out because I have homework that needs to be getting done. Well I'll post some more at a later time
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