And for other news, I've started doing workouts this past week. I'm so sore but I know that it will pay off in the end(i remind myself that on a daily basis)! Tuesday night we started Zumba classes at the church it was so much fun and it was a overall great workout, then I also started working out at the church with Cheryl Lough from church. She is training me on how to do weight training and cardio, and she is tough but very encouraging and pushes me, and thats what I need. I really do feel alot better since I've been doing something! I also this week have eliminated my soda intake(use to be all I drank) but now it's one a day, doing very good with it. I actually can't believe it but it's going good drinking alot more water, and eating healthier. I have a long way to go but I'm really trying this and striving to keep it up! Well thats about all thats going on in the Julian family.

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