Well it's been about a week with out the computer, and tell you the truth I survived without it! But I'm glad I got it back. Well not much has been going on with us this week, except for staying inside out of this cold weather(other than taking the kids to school)... but today the boys had a dentist appointment at 11 so I let Kristofer stay home it was a delay anyway! And then No school tomorrow or Monday! I love it when they are home, it's so much fun playing with them and just watching them grow up before your very own eyes. Although this week for some reason I've been really sad to see them grow up, it's sometimes sad for moms.
But anyway.... today we have spent time playing game, playing the wii(which is so much fun I don't know who santa brought it for? ha ha ) and we let the boys play out in the snow for a few minutes not too long but long enough to have some fun. Krisotfer was making snow angels and playing with our dog who loves the snow but he's a crazy dog! Kolton really didn't like being out in the snow so he stayed by the door and watched most of the time!
Tonight is going to be just the three of us at home, who knows what we will be doing but I'm sure it will be fun... no bedtime YEPPIE!!! I know that may not be good parenting skills but who makes up the rules anyway right? Well I'm going to get off here because I have some delicious chicken in the oven along with some brocoli cheese cassorole! So it's dinner time, I'll be able to post some overdue pics tomorrow or later on this evening but I'll do it as promised . Everyone have a great night and stay inside out of this weather if at all possible!!!
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