So today we took it easy, we stayed in our Pajamas all day long( I know lazy right) well I tell you what it felt good! I haven't done that in I don't know how long. With Christmas being a few days away and we start celebrating on Christmas Eve and don't finish up until a few days after Christmas. I thought it would be nice to have a day of relaxing. So that is what we did. Jimmy of course had to go to work at 3 but he played with the boys until then. Then after he went to work we baked cookies, iced them and of course ate a few in between. Then we played a few games together, connect 4 and battleship. The boys seemed to have a great day and so did I. I wish everyday could be relaxing day! But then I would get nothing done. Well I took a few pictures of the boys icing cookies and playing connect 4
I'm sure before the week is up I'll post some exciting Christmas things!
Merry Christmas!!!

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