Thursday, March 19, 2009

Victoriouly Frazzled!

Well we started a new book in Sunday School this past week called " Victoriously Frazzled". It's been so good so far, and it's only been the first week! It's what I really need at this moment in my life, and God is so faithful to bring that to us when we need a word. I wanted to share something that really spoke to me this week during my devotion, let it speak to you like it did to me.
The first thing I'll share was from Romans 8: 37 " In all these things we are more than conquers through Him who loved us". And she was talking about in the book how we get so busy in our daily schedules and with life in general that we get off balance, I know sometimes I feel off balanced in my life. But she made 4 statements that really spoke to me: #1. I can't do everything
#2. I can't be everything to everybody
#3. I will stop trying to do it all
#4. I will stop trying to be it all
I don't know how many of you are guilty of this I might be the only one(highly doubt it though), that try to do everything all the time for everyone and I needed to hear that from someone other than my husband!

Then the last thing I want to share was from today , Resting in Jesus! And she had made a statment that really stuck to me Nothing is insignificant to God. If it's about you , then it's important to Him! We think that our piddly little stresses dont' matter to Him.
I've been guilty of thinking this many times that for some reason it wasn't a BIG thing so I felt that I didn't need to bother God with it, but God cares about every area of our lives and and He wants us to rest in Him.

I'll leave you with this last statement that spoke to me, In growing my intimacy with God on a daily basis, I take baby steps toward my Savior and those little steps produce BIG blessings! That's God's arithmetic!

I am so excited about what God is doing in my life, even though I completely don't understand it that is the hard part at times, But all we can do is Trust in God and everything is going to be alright.
Well as far as the family we are all doing good, finally over all the colds and flu that had been going around the house. The boys are doing good in school, and ready for spring break. They have started baseball practices this is the second week of that they are loving it, as for me not so much but once season starts I will. Kristofer has JBQ meet this weekend so we are leaving to go there tomorrow afternoon, I'm praying that they do good and have fun learning God's word.
And we are excited because the last Sunday of this month Kristofer will be getting baptized! I'm so excited to see what God is doing in the lifes of my boys, even though at times they may drive me crazy I know God is at work in there hearts! Well thats all for now, getting ready to go to bed so I can have plenty of rest for this weekend.